Please advise all your retailers to use the ACCESS NUMBERS below. Kindly check the last digit of your retailer number.
For example: 09191234567
Since the last digit of your retailer number is "7" , use the assigned access number "09286863078"
Reg<space>Dealer’s 6-Digit password<space>Mobile # of Retailer<space>Full name of Retailer<comma>Address of Retailer<comma>Email of Retailer
2. ) The Retailer receives the text message:
You are now a Retailer of 639*********. Your password is 123456. To change, type-Changepw<space>123456<space><6-digit password>,send to LoadCentral access #.
3. ) Upon a successfull change password, Retailer receives text message like this:
Dealer gets a text confirmation from LoadCentral that the retailer is now registered with him.
I would like to be a retailer. How to be one?? Thank you.